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Ticket Locking Settings

in Ticket Locking
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Published: 22 Sept 2021|Last updated: 18 Oct 2021

Confusion about which Agent is working on a Ticket is usually prevented by:

  • Agent assignment

  • The ability for Agents to see each others' draft messages

If an Agent wants to prevent other Agents from changing a Ticket they are working on, they can use the Deskpro Locking feature to manually lock the Ticket.

Admins can also enable Automatic Locking of Tickets from Features > Ticket Locking. When this is enabled, a Ticket will be automatically locked when an Agent opens it in the View Panel.

ticket locking

Automatic locking can be useful if you often find that more than one Agents tries to reply to the same Ticket at once.

The Maximum Lock Duration refers to the period of time before the lock is automatically removed. It applies to both automatic and manual locks. This prevents locks being left on too long, for example, if an Agent locks a Ticket and then forgets about it.

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