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New Feature: Interactive API Browser - Neuigkeiten / Product - Deskpro Support

Nov. 6 2014

New Feature: Interactive API Browser


If you're a coder who needs to integrate DeskPRO with other systems, the good news is that we have a comprehensive REST API. The new good news is that we've made it even easier to use by adding an interactive API browser.

Now you can easily explore the DeskPRO API and try out the available operations from a web interface. Just go to /api/api.html on your helpdesk and enter an API key.



You can enter parameters for any API operation and instantly see the result. So whether you're working out how to do something or troubleshooting existing code, development is quicker and easier.



For more information, see our guide to getting started with the DeskPRO API browser, and the API documentation.

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