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DeskPRO Build #5.2.3 Released - Neuigkeiten / Product - Deskpro Support

Dez. 14 2016

DeskPRO Build #5.2.3 Released



  • Tab index is fixed on user portal login - you can press the 'Tab' button to move from email to password etc.
  • UI issue where some drop down menus in the agent interfaces were not disappearing after clicking away from them
  • Inability to create a linked ticket or change the user of a ticket due to search not working
  • Ability to change an agents name through embedded chat widget in website
  • Mass action validation check (for mandatory agent fields) should not apply to tickets marked for deletion
  • Fix errors in anonymous API endpoints if API logging was enabled for "session" type
  • Fix copy to clipboard function in various places in admin interface
  • Fixed ability to mass reply to tickets


If you are using DeskPRO Cloud, we will roll out this update to your helpdesk soon.


If you are using DeskPRO On-Premise, you can update your helpdesk to the latest version from your admin interface.

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