We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #126.
The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:
- Fix error when trying to call method on popover page when its been unloaded
- Fix snippets tooltip in chat
- Fix fatal error about dev bundle not being enabled when requesting /dev/ in production mode
- Update symfony sources
- Update symfony version to 2.0.17
- Fix floating sidebar from following scroll when its too long for the page
- Run server checks again on settings page to catch import errors for web php
- Fix a few XML declaration tags
- Add billing totals to person and organization pages.
- Add recent billing information to person/organization views.
- Small timeout before using iframe history in IE to prevent access denied errors
- Save raw addresses an email was sent to and use that for trigger criteria, instead of trying to figure out specific mailbox it was delivered into.
- Fix archiving of old resolved tickets
- Add currency option to ticket billing.
- Fix when triggers set custom field that is later disabled
- Do not initial ticket billing if not enabled, and ensure that the billing option on the reply form is always updated correctly after a reply.
- Initial support for associating time charges/bills with tickets
- Namespace messages passing from child to parent window so overlay widget doesnt try to act on ticketform messages
- Add some logic to placement of tooltips so they dont overflow out of viewport
- Allow agents to edit messages
- Cleanup rejection view page a bit, allow reprocessing emails from admin interface
- Clean up rejections list
- Append message when full body has been clipped
- Fix trailing dash
- Fix internal email being prepended with extends tag in preprocessor
- Catch rollback errors about no active trans so original exceptions log
- Build script reverts any email templates
- Support dutch/italian in email cutter through simple variable replacements in patterns file.
- Fix when no cut was used, message_full would be empty but could still have empty elements, making the quote mark appear in agent interface
- Fix an outlook cutter pattern for when theres a div wrapper after the hr
- Fix editing layout template from admin interface always putting in subject
- Add cutmarks that Outlook won't strip out
- Fix error with DAYNAME() function in DPQL.
- Add support for the REGEXP operator in DPQL.
- Add additional MySQL pass through functions to DPQL.
- Add DATE_FORMAT to allowed DPQL functions.
- Setting should be 0
- Add hidden setting for requrie agent marker, disable setting for upgrades who have custom templates that might have removed the marker
- Fix warning when agent_ids choice is not array
- Updated languages: Japanese - Japanese: Changed 8 phrases
If you are using the cloud version of DeskPRO, your account will have already been updated or will be updated within the next 24-48 hours.
If you are using DeskPRO download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.
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