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Can I use Deskpro automation for integration with JIRA? - Wissensdatenbank / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

WARNING: You're browsing documentation for an older version of Deskpro. For the most up-to-date version, see: Can I use Deskpro Automations for Integration with Jira?

Can I use Deskpro automation for integration with JIRA?


The updated JIRA integration app adds support for creating triggers that respond to JIRA events and create comments within JIRA.

To enable these, you must install the latest JIRA app. (If you are on Deskpro On-Premise and are running build #383 or earlier, you must first update your helpdesk).


You will find JIRA events filter settings under the By an app category.

 You will be able to use the following criteria for triggers:

 There will also be an automation action to add a JIRA comment to all linked issues on a ticket.



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