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Can I import the tickets and other information from my legacy helpdesk? - Wissensdatenbank / Developer & Reporting / Data Import & Export - Deskpro Support

Can I import the tickets and other information from my legacy helpdesk?



I'm switching from a different helpdesk. Can I import all my data from there into Deskpro?


Depending on the data, there are different ways to import the data you need into Deskpro from your old system.

User Data

Deskpro has an in-product User and Organization CSV import tool. 
This can be found in Admin > Data > Importer: 

Ticket & Knowledge Data

Deskpro is partnered with a 3rd party tool for running imports of tickets and and other content such as Knowledgebase articles. 

If you are interested in having your tickets imported with our 3rd party, please contact sales@deskpro.com with the name of the tool you would like to import from and the number of objects to import e.g. 60000 tickets and 100 articles.


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