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Average resolution time of tickets - Wissensdatenbank / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

WARNING: You're browsing documentation for an older version of Deskpro. For the most up-to-date version, see: Average Ticket Resolution Time

Average resolution time of tickets


To get a better understanding of the progress of  your team, it may be useful to generate a report that shows the average time taken to resolve tickets. 

An average resolution time  can be created using the DPQL format below:

SELECT AVG((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(tickets.date_resolved) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(tickets.date_created)) / (60 * 60)) AS 'Average resolution time (in hours)'

FROM tickets

To look at a specific timeframe, a variable can be added, which allows the flexibility of choosing a specific timeframe. This can be done by first clicking on  'Add Variable' and filling in the details  as follows:

Once the variable is added, you could add a WHERE clause, which is used to limit the data displayed or used. In this example, a DPQL form can be written as shown below:

SELECT AVG((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(tickets.date_resolved) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(tickets.date_created)) / (60 * 60)) AS 'Average resolution time (in hours)'

FROM tickets

WHERE tickets.date_created = ${date}

This data can be further grouped by agent and the final DPQL form is written as follows: 

SELECT AVG((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(tickets.date_resolved) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(tickets.date_created)) / (60 * 60)) AS 'Average resolution time (in hours)'

FROM tickets

WHERE tickets.date_created = ${date}

GROUP BY tickets.agent

The final report should look like this:

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