We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #277.
The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:
- NEW New 'person' grouping variable
- IMPROVEMENT Better inlining of image attachments in emails sent in text
- CHANGE Tickets displayed under people in quick search results are sorted by status then last updated time
- FIX No confirmation message on embedded form when no perms other than to create tickets
- FIX Toggling off agent sub-perms that are on through a parent granted through a usergroup
- FIX Removing a permission group might not remove the granted permissions on agents
- FIX Incorrect results when viewing a "> 6 months" group would show
- FIX Grouping on a time field would sometimes not show the last "> 6 months" group on 32b systems (due to a marker integer overflowing)
- FIX Copy to clipboard icon on people tabs next to email addresses
- FIX In ticket layout editor, match type in field options could be reset from 'any' to 'all' when updating other field options
- FIX Setting org properties on a person would sometimes not be saved
If you are using the cloud version of DeskPRO, your account will have already been updated or will be updated within the next 24-48 hours.
If you are using DeskPRO download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.