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Using LIKE and wildcards - Videnbase / Developer & Reporting / Creating Reports - Deskpro Support

Using LIKE and wildcards


In DPQL  you can use the LIKE operator in the WHERE clause to check for certain patterns.

You would use it alongside wildcards:

%  represents any number of characters

represents one character


Tickets from a single email domain

An example of this you could use would be if you wanted to look at all tickets from users under a specific email domain.

The query below wouldn't work as the email address is incomplete:

SELECT Tickets.id, tickets.person.emails.email

FROM tickets

WHERE tickets.person.emails.email = 'deskpro.com'

However if rather than = we use Like and the % wildcard we can pull all emails that end in deskpro.com

SELECT Tickets.id, tickets.person.emails.email

FROM tickets

WHERE tickets.person.emails.email LIKE '%deskpro.com'

Tickets from similar email domains

Similarly if we wanted to pull all tickets submitted from Deskpro.com and Deskpro.co.uk we could use the following as the second % would bypass the characters specified after deskpro:

SELECT Tickets.id, tickets.person.emails.email

FROM tickets

WHERE tickets.person.emails.email LIKE '%deskpro%'

Wildcard Variations

Different wildcard variations that return support@deskpro.com :

WHERE  person.emails.emailLIKE 'Support%'Any values that begin with support
WHERE person.emails.emailLIKE '%Deskpro.com'Any values  that end with deskpro.com
WHERE person.emails.emailLIKE '%Deskpro%'Any values that contain Deskpro
WHERE person.emails.emailLIKE 's%m'Any value that starts with S and ends with M 
WHERE person.emails.emailLIKE '_u%'Any value that has a U at the second position

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