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Deskpro Horizon Release 2024.25 & Deskpro OPC v2.18 - News / Release Announcements - Deskpro Support

Meh 18 2024

Deskpro Horizon Release 2024.25 & Deskpro OPC v2.18

Rhestr o awduron

We’re pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2024.25.0. This release includes several new features our team has been developing, general improvements to product functionality and interface, and several bug fixes.

Latest Improvements

💅 Overhaul of the Organization section on User profiles (SC 150415)

We have revamped the Organization section in User Profiles to provide agents with a more streamlined view of user's affiliations to help manage their roles within each organization more effectively.

User Profile Org Section.png

💅 We have added support for mapping parent Organizations using the CSV importer (SC 148747)

💅 To make it easier to download and share attachments by adding the ability to drag and drop ticket message attachments straight onto your desktop or into the reply box (SC 138504).

💅 Added unassigned as an option for the Team field on the Ticket Templates (SC 151469).

Bug Fixes

🐛 We have fixed the ticket satisfaction survey for multi-brand help desks so users can now submit feedback for tickets associated with secondary brands (SC 149223).

🐛 We have removed duplicate message checks for API requests so duplicate messages can be added to tickets using the API (SC 142543).

🐛 When users with billing and time charges are merged the charges for both users will now be displayed on the resulting user profile (SC 148397).

🐛 Creating a new user now respects the admin's choice to select "Send welcome email" (SC 152290).

🐛 We have resolved an issue with the search indexer so in-progress chat conversations can be indexed (SC 148098).

🐛 An issue with the Approvals feature has been resolved to ensure when an approval is automatically added to a ticket, the approvers receive an email notification (SC 145952).

🐛 The tickets API V2 endpoint has been fixed so when a user or agent reply is added via the API the Last User Reply and Last Agent Reply dates are set correctly (SC 149092).

🐛 PHP deprecated warnings in the chat manager class have been silenced (SC 151750).

Security Fixes

🛡️ (On-Premise) The Deskpro product container was updated with PHP 8.3.8 to address several Medium and High severity CVEs.

Recently, several High and Medium severity CVEs were reported for PHP (the programming language used by parts of the Deskpro backend). We don’t believe any of these vulnerabilities would be applicable to Deskpro but we’ve updated all containers anyway out of an abundance of caution.

Customers running Deskpro On-Premise (with or without the OPC) are encouraged to update to get these important security fixes. Cloud customers can ignore this because our platform has already been updated.

Patch Release 2024.25.3

🐛We have fixed an email processing issue caused by the Organisation feature Associated Domains (SC-155433).

On-Premise Controller Release v2.18

We have released Deskpro OPC v2.18.2 to on-premise customers. This is primarily a security update. We recommend all customers using Deskpro OPC to update.

✨ We have introduced a new way for Deskpro OPC to regularly download important notices and alerts. This enables the OPC to raise Problems (and surface those problems to administrators) for things like security advisories.

🛡️ The OPC web GUI container was updated with PHP 8.3.8 to address several High and Medium severity CVEs.

🛡️ This release also includes other important security fixes to the OPC system that affected customers running OPC >=2.15.1.

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