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Deskpro Horizon Release 2024.12 - News / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

Maw 20 2024

Deskpro Horizon Release 2024.12

Rhestr o awduron

We’re pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2024.12.2. This version includes an update to several existing features to enhance their functionality, improvements across the helpdesk’s features and several bug fixes to enhance functionality.

New Features

✨ We have added Agent Only custom fields to Community, allowing you to create Agent-specific fields on your Community Topics (SC 130696).

Latest Improvements

💅 We’ve improved the flexibility and control Organization Managers have over the tickets they are subscribed to if they belong to multiple organizations. Now you can choose which of your Organization's tickets you want to be subscribed to, ensuring you are only included in relevant communications (SC 140034).

Manager Organization Subscriptions.png

💅 The Auto Publishing feature in the Knowledgebase will enable you to schedule your articles for publication at your preferred date and time using the new date and time picker (SC 99112).

💅 The filters you last configured on the Global Search app will be remembered each time you open Global Search (SC 140765).

💅 We’ve improved how formatted Text displays on the Community Previews on the Home Page to ensure HTML isn’t visible (SC 145024).

💅 We have added default lists for more convenient CRM, Help Center, and Community Lists (SC 132291).

💅 Due to regulation changes, US Toll-Free numbers must be verified by Twilio before they can send or receive messages. If your US SMS number is not verified a warning will be displayed when attempting to send an SMS message via the helpdesk (SC 140351).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Resolved an issue where disabled queues were triggering unnecessary calls to the API for ticket count calculation which will improve overall performance (SC 145835).

🐛 Fixed the issue where Users created via the Contact Us form were not searchable (SC 144252).

🐛 Resolved an issue where custom reference codes were not increasing sequentially (SC 119280).

🐛 Fixed several issues with ticket templates (SC 142200):

  • Saving a template without filling out hidden dependent fields that require validation will not result in an error.

  • Sub-statuses will now be available on ticket templates.

  • Errors will no longer display if you try to set a number field to 0.

  • Labels will not disappear once the template is saved.

🐛 Resolved an issue where tickets created via the API were being incorrectly attributed to Web (SC 145390).

🐛 Fixed the issue where the Help Center Preview would not work when selecting a specific Agent or User (SC 131643).

🐛 Resolved an issue with the V2 API endpoint; it now correctly utilizes the SQL matcher instead of the deprecated ElasticSearch matcher. (SC 146633).

🐛 Resolved an issue where custom fields on the CRM Profile would show the incorrect User information when toggling between different Users on a ticket (SC 146765).

🐛 Added checks to remove any potentially harmful code from Knowledgebase Articles in the Prose Mirror editor, especially when the user doesn't have permission to insert HTML (SC 141353).

🐛 Fixed an issue where a warning would incorrectly display the condition of a Department's custom field (SC 142432).

🐛 Resolved an issue where ticket charges wouldn’t update in line with changes to the User or Organization on a ticket (SC 141765).

Patch Release 2024.12.2

🐛 We have released a patch fix to resolve a speed issue impacting Cloud instances (SC 147232).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.15.2

We are also delighted to announce the latest version of the OPC, 2.15.2. This version includes a bug fix to improve the On-Premise Controller’s PHP version support.

Bug Fixes

🐛 Support different versions of PHP when displaying the FPM configuration (SC 146446).

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