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Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.20 - News / Release Announcements - Deskpro Support

Mai 16 2023

Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.20

Rhestr o awduron

We’re pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2023.20.2. This release includes extending the flexibility of our interface alongside some general improvements to the product and several bug fixes.

New Features

✨ Get better ticket visibility by hiding the Ticket Properties and CRM Profile panels

We’ve made it easier to manage your ticket view by adding the option of hiding the Ticket Properties and CRM panels with one click for better visibility (SC 108540).

Hide Panels Release.png
This change lets you optimize visibility across different screen sizes. Your panel preferences will be saved, ensuring your chosen view for each ticket is consistent across tickets. Plus we simplified navigation between User and Organization Profiles with a Back to User button.

Latest Improvements

💅 We’ve added a Bring your own Twitter App functionality for Deskpro Cloud customers, this will allow you to link your own Twitter app to Deskpro which will enable @mention and DMs to create tickets in the helpdesk. Or you can use the Deskpro Twitter app, which will create tickets for DMs received by your account (SC 106248).

💅 We have simplified creating User Profiles by making the contact fields optional (SC 65860).


Bug Fixes

🐛 As an Agent, searching Tickets from the Help Center will now display the correct date of the Last Activity in the search results, where previously this only showed when the results were expanded (SC 106391).

🐛 We fixed an issue following a migration where Agents were seeing a 500 error when accessing published Knowledgebase Articles (SC 107545).

🐛 Fixed an issue with the migration process where upgrades were failing due to a template timing out (SC 110045).

🐛 We fixed several issues that impacted scheduled reports (SC 100166):

  • Now you are able to send the report to multiple users.

  • And the reports will not send if the schedule is turned off.

🐛 When a Currency custom field is added or updated the change will display in the Ticket History tab (SC 100586).

🐛 We fixed an issue where Agent Activity was being recorded incorrectly, we have now added handling to ensure the times are recorded more consistently (SC 96860).

🐛 Fixed a bug where there was a discrepancy between the Date value shown between a ticket field and the created date (SC 110115).

🐛 We fixed an issue with Pagination on the Help Center search results to ensure you can interact with all the results per item type (SC 106387).

🐛 Fixed an issue where a permissions error would stop an Agent from accessing the Agent IM app (SC 103990).

🐛 We have resolved issues where the Meta API wouldn’t provide data for a user’s name (SC 110105).

🐛 Fix an issue where the default preferences for the Reply and Note close actions didn't align with an Agent’s preferences (SC 107623).

🐛 We fixed an issue where images opened via Email Client loaded smaller than those opened via the Help Center (SC 97251).

🐛 We fixed a setting that prevents updating a Guide Pages status when changing the Chapter's status (SC 106585).

🐛 Fixed an issue where saving the emails_common templates would automatically insert a new line at the top (SC 102261).

🐛 We fixed the infinite scroll for the Ticket Search feature (SC 108193).

🐛 We updated the Norwegian language code from nb to no to ensure the code did not interfere with the Language Pack (SC 104317).

🐛 Fixed the logic on the was set and was not set trigger criteria on new tickets created via the Contact Us form (SC 102293).

🐛 We fixed an issue where Knowledgebase Article labels were not searchable if they had a space in them (SC 93975).

Patch Release 2023.20.2

🐛 We fixed an issue with outgoing emails where any trigger that sends an email without having an explicitly set ‘from account’, it would be sent from the default email account for the brand (SC 110827).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.5.2

We are also delighted to announce the latest version of the OPC, 2.5.2. This version includes several improvements and bug fixes that will provide an increased level of administrator capabilities.

Latest Improvements

💅 Perform 2-stage domain validation if browser validation fails (SC 110049).

💅 Create default workspace configuration for instances hosted On-Premise (SC 106001).

💅 Read V5 backup metadata in the backup file if it is present (SC 110140).

💅 Provide better feedback if download containers fail (SC 110241).

💅 Provide better feedback if database restore fails (SC 110294).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Mount the PHP log directory for instance tasks container to be able to access the error log (SC 110118).

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