Neidio i'r brif gynnwys

DeskPRO Build #276 Released - News / Release Announcements - Deskpro Support

Gorff 19 2013

DeskPRO Build #276 Released

Rhestr o awduron

We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #276.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • IMPROVEMENT New flat style in the tickets navigation pane in the agent interface
  • IMPROVEMENT Parsing of badly formatted HTML emails
  • IMPROVEMENT Qucik search allows searching for just the beginning of a ticket ref
  • FIX Agent permissions to control who can set statuses (resolved, awaiting agent or awaiting user) were not enforced on replybox
  • FIX From agent, click search tab in Feedback then back to Feedback would result in a blank pane
  • FIX Agents being part of an org would cause 'Members' count on org list to be off
  • FIX Macro action "add snippet" was broken
  • FIX Buggy quicksearch on names would not return results sometimes
  • FIX Ticket reply editor could enter double whitespace in some cases (e.g., copy+paste then copy the same text to paste again).
  • FIX Org info not included in person api data (would also affect some snippet vars too)
  • FIX Editing a snippet with a shortcode would reset the shortcode
  • FIX Any unknow variable in a snippet would cause raw snippet to be used (e.g., no other vars would render and no logic executed)
  • FIX Odd titles/content in snippet viewer with translated snippets (e.g., blank titles)
  • FIX Ticket search on subject/message using quick fields instead of full options would never return proper results
  • FIX 'upload image' window doesn't process clicks on 'insert into article' button until some random mouse clicks are done
  • FIX Trying to use 'upload image' multiple times in article editor would behave strangely
  • FIX Ticket search with criteria with multiple agents would only ever use the first selected agent
  • FIX Keyboard navigation in snippet viewer
  • FIX "Add" button from pending articles list
  • FIX Count in title in ticket result lists not updating as tickets are added/removed from the list

If you are using the cloud version of DeskPRO, your account will have already been updated or will be updated within the next 24-48 hours.

If you are using DeskPRO download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

Defnyddiol Annefnyddiol

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Ychwanegu sylw

Mewngofnodwch neu cofrestrwch i gyflwyno sylw.

Angen atgofiad am eich cyfrinair?