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Introducing Auto-Threading for Emails - News / Product / Product (Admin) - Deskpro Support

Gorff 26 2024

Introducing Auto-Threading for Emails

Rhestr o awduron

Auto-Thread: A New Capability in Deskpro's Inbound Email Settings. Designed to enhance email management in Deskpro, Auto-Threading offers Admins increased control and efficiency when handling incoming emails.

Email Auto Threading.png

Key Features of Auto-Thread:

  1. Enable/Disable Auto-Threading: Admins can easily enable or disable the Auto-Thread feature for emails originating from the same user, providing flexible control over email organization. The timer will reset based on when the last user email was received, ensuring the relevance of the ongoing conversation.

  2. Define Merge Window: Customize the merge window to "auto-thread" emails, specifying the duration in hours, days, or weeks to ensure relevant emails are threaded together.

  3. Prevent Threading by Participants: Configure settings to prevent emails from threading if the participants involved do not match, maintaining clarity in email conversations.

  4. Prevent Threading by Email Account: Ensure emails are not threaded if sent to different helpdesk email accounts, preserving distinct communication channels.

  5. Advanced Threading Logic: Auto-Thread uses a sophisticated logic sequence to determine if emails should be threaded.

With Auto-Threading enabled Deskpro streamlines email management, helping teams maintain more organized email threads. For information on configuring Auto-Threading settings read the Admin Guide.

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