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Drag and drop for agents is now even better - Новини / Product - Deskpro Support

юли 10 2014

Drag and drop for agents is now even better

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We're always looking for ways to make it faster and easier to get things done in DeskPRO. We just wanted to announce a new feature that might come in very useful for a lot of agents.

DeskPRO has supported drag and drop of files from your desktop to a ticket or ticket reply for quite some time.

You can even paste a screenshot right into a ticket message with Ctrl-V (or cmd-V for Mac users). (We hope you knew that).

We realised that we could extend this to let you drag attachments between tickets:




That works in recent versions of Chrome and Firefox. You can drag any file or image that's been added to a ticket and drop it into a new ticket or a ticket reply.

So now if a user asks you to send them the same file again, you can just do this:



We've also added the ability to drag and drop attachments from tickets to your desktop:



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