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DeskPRO Build #428 Released - Новини / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

ное 9 2015

DeskPRO Build #428 Released

Списък с автори

We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #428.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • NEW NewTicket drafts
  • IMPROVEMENT UserChat open large images in new window
  • IMPROVEMENT allow multiple values in remote filter/trigger criteria
  • FIX Contextual Field "Add Another" link not working in Safari
  • FIX Improve error messages and error handling in Exchange email account adapter
  • FIX save per person and per org fields on newticket
  • FIX saving person and org custom fields on newticket
  • FIX Agent: Grouping by org and viewing the 'None' set did not work
  • FIX Portal search on labels and UTF8 characters
  • FIX Portal: Template typo caused custom ticket fields to go missing from user viewticket layout
  • FIX Agent fwd emails with reply codes did not properly strip the reply codes
  • FIX Admin: Could not delete a round-robin that had ever been used before
  • FIX Potentially showing license error on some servers where a HTML redirect is rendered
  • FIX Inconsistently applying permissions to org tickets
  • FIX Organizations and People list scrollbar disappears when changing view
  • FIX Admin: Language on satisfaction escalation mentions status being 'awaiting user' where it should say 'resolved'
  • FIX TicketFilters and TicketTriggers are now saved correctly
  • FIX fix potential sync problems
  • FIX Admin: Editing triggers with custom fields would show validation errors
  • FIX allow to use workflows in dep layout criteria
  • FIX broken admin criterias
  • FIX Adding tasks from tickets with a due date did not save
  • FIX grouping label
  • FIX Agent: Unassign from within ticket view caused a JS error and did not unassign the ticket.

This update has been rolled out to Cloud helpdesks.

If you are using DeskPRO On-Premise, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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