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DeskPRO Build #410 Released - Новини / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

юли 21 2015

DeskPRO Build #410 Released

Списък с автори

We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #410.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • NEW Admin: New option to disable keyboard shortcuts
  • NEW Better agent email notifications and reply handling. Read more.
  • FIX Admin: Search index is off when demo is reset
  • FIX Agent: Missing 'Awaiting Validation' filter in agent interface
  • FIX Agent: Reset password sent in wrong language
  • FIX Agent: Organization link on CRM list was broken
  • FIX Misc whitespace issues in HTML email
  • FIX Add another cut pattern for email sent from Outlook
  • FIX Missing cut pattern for email sent from Outlook for iPhone
  • FIX Agent: Some bad handling of newlines in RTE
  • FIX Admin: Fix validation on 'date created' trigger criteria
  • FIX Agent: Some ticket counts in filter list might be wrong for a few seconds until the browser did a background-refresh
  • FIX Agent: Download vCard with phone numbers failed
  • FIX Agent: Links in messages did not open in new windows
  • FIX Admin: Test outgoing email did not let you edit test message properly
  • FIX Agent: When editing snippets, the default selected category was wrong
  • FIX Portal: New accounts created via creating a new ticket did not set the proper language based on the users selected language
  • FIX Installer: Minimum version of PHP is 5.3.9
  • FIX Agent: Changing user orgs did not set organisation on existing tickets, causing some counters to mis-match
  • FIX Portal: KB suggestions on new-ticket were not limited
  • FIX Agent: number of tickets display field did not work (in CRM)
  • FIX Portal: Bad phrases for chat end
  • FIX Add 'TR' to list of default subject 'forward' prefixes
  • FIX Admin: Fix creation system criteria
  • FIX Agent: Font colours in Firefox an IE did not work
  • FIX Portal: Language used in 'reset password' email was not the language of the user
  • FIX Agent: Create ticket as node was adding signature
  • FIX Admin: Some invalid phone numbers would not render an error message
  • FIX We now bundle latest certificate authority certs for use with cURL (this fixes SSL errors when the host has outdated ca-bundle)
  • FIX Trigger checks on 'Ticket has SLAs' did not work properly
  • FIX Demo: Request license requires org name but did not show error message if it was missing
  • FIX Agent: Tabs taking focus in some cases when they are meant to be reloaded in the bg

This update has been rolled out to all Cloud customers.

If you are using DeskPRO On-Premise, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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