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DeskPRO Build #352 Released - Новини / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

юли 15 2014

DeskPRO Build #352 Released

Списък с автори

We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #352.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • FIX Fields in layout editor sometimes would not appear on agent tab
  • FIX 'add reply from snippet' macro action
  • FIX Link to edit agent from profile view in agent interface
  • FIX Missing on/off controls on escalations list
  • FIX SLA lists not auto-updating as tickets with slas are added to them
  • FIX SLAs were not using defined timezone (all SLAs were considered entered in UTC time)
  • FIX JS errors when running reports with placeholders
  • FIX Missing ticket log row for hidden status changes
  • FIX Feedback section in agent interface being focused when new feedback comes in
  • FIX Prevent email to users/agents trigger action would not save
  • FIX SLAs did not properly apply 'days' setting in working hour set
  • FIX Warn/fail dates on SLAs being cleared once the SLA was completed
  • FIX Applying of trusted proxy settings. This removes our custom implementation of the safe proxy handling and uses Symfony instead.
  • FIX Some tickets would not open due to error if someone deleted a user account who authored a message within that ticket
  • FIX Saving snippets where the snippet was originally created with an empty title would cause an error
  • FIX Running custom reports with placeholders wouldnt change the placeholders when choosing new values
  • FIX HTML newsletters with fixed-width could cause scrollbars in ticket view

This update has now been rolled out to all Cloud customers.

If you are using DeskPRO Download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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