We would like the Deskpro auth option to support 2-factor authentication. Ideally, we would have the option to enforce it or set it as optional, allowing the user to choose whether they implement this..
Официален отговор
Hi Jan, 2FA is now an option for Deskpro Agents, you can read about setting up 2FA for Agents in our Guide (https://support.deskpro.com/en-GB/guides/admin-guide/agent-two-factor-authentication-2fa). But it is an optional setting, as long as you don't check the "Require agents to set up 2FA" option. We also have User 2FA available for Deskpro Enterprise customers, you can check that out here: https://support.deskpro.com/en-GB/news/posts/set-up-user-two-factor-authentication-on-enterprise