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Separate Agent Permission to edit own Messages - Общност / Feature Request - Deskpro Support


Separate Agent Permission to edit own Messages Collecting Feedback

Agents should be able to edit their own Messages/Notes. This is needed eg. for correctings typos, etc. without giving the aibility for deleting Messages/Notes.

Коментари (3)

Jeroen van der Steen
To me there is a big difference between editing message and editing notes, because one is visible to the customer while the other is not. I would love to see the permissions to edit/delete messages and notes separated from each other. For us this would mean we could allow agents to edit/remove notes to reflect the latest status, while they would not be able to edit/remove messages that have been sent to customers.
Zsolt Kiss
Totally agree, it would be great if we could handle separatedly the edit and delete permissions. Now it can be managed together only.
Earene Lee
Agent should also be only allowed to *edit their own notes* and no other agent or sys admin notes that are inserted via SLA's/Escalation/manually/etc.

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