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Deskpro "server info" pages - Knowledgebase / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

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Deskpro "server info" pages

Elenco degli autori

Deskpro has a set of "server info" pages which are low-level scripts that you can use for diagnostic type information about your server or installation such as PHP Info, requirements checker, logs, etc.

These pages are all available at the URL of http://your-url/__serverinfo/ACTION?auth=XXX


To get a list of these commands, you need to run a special command-line tool that will reveal the URL with proper auth code:


# Linux
cd /path/to/deskpro
/path/to/php bin/console dp:web-server-info

# Windows
cd "C:\path\to\deskpro"
"C:\path\to\php.exe" bin\console dp:web-server-info
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