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Show tickets in order of the number of different agents who replied - Base de connaissances / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

WARNING: You're browsing documentation for an older version of Deskpro. For the most up-to-date version, see: Show Tickets ordered by number of Agents who replied until Resolution

Show tickets in order of the number of different agents who replied

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How can I create a report to show resolved tickets with only one agent replying to the ticket?


This will show resolved tickets ordered by the number of agents who have added replies (or notes).


SELECT DPQL_COUNT_DISTINCT(tickets_messages.person) AS 'Number of agents', tickets_messages.ticket_id, tickets_messages.ticketFROM tickets_messagesWHERE tickets_messages.person.is_agent AND tickets_messages.ticket.status = 'resolved'GROUP BY tickets_messages.ticket_idORDER BY DPQL_COUNT_DISTINCT(tickets_messages.person)

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