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How do I assign out-of-hour tickets to a particular team? - Base de connaissances / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

WARNING: You're browsing documentation for an older version of Deskpro. For the most up-to-date version, see: How do I assign out of hours tickets to a particular team?

How do I assign out-of-hour tickets to a particular team?

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Suppose you want to treat incoming tickets differently if they are created outside of working hours. In this example, we'll show how to assign them to a night shift team.

This is easy to accomplish with triggers:


Note that the "working hours" used will be those Default Working Hours in Tickets > Settings - but you could choose to specify custom hours just for this trigger.


You'd probably also want the same team to receive replies to tickets from users, not just new tickets:


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Commentaire (1)

Hi and thank you for your psot, but i cannot find any entry "is outside of workingshours" in my triggers. Where do i find them, what i have to do? Thank you

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