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DeskPRO Build #201 Released - Новини / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

дек 6 2012

DeskPRO Build #201 Released

Списък с автори

We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #201.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • Update legacy database classes to using latest revision, fixes 'too many connections'
  • Better rejection types and explanation
  • Add support for setting up an email gateway that allows agents to send messages to it that create draft knowledgebase articles.
  • Fix tooltip over status showing agent name
  • Fix order of some ticket logs
  • Fix domain on widget example code
  • Tweak escalation language to use same terms for awaiting agent/user
  • Fix 'i want to' font
  • Fix feedback summary reports. Simplified and no longer does a query for every day for every agent.
  • Fix not using proper rating number in direct rating request
  • Add link to getting started guide
  • Add timer to start and end of cron command
  • Prevent errors when using join/implode template functions in templates
  • Send email alert if proc takes longer than 60 seconds
  • If proc still open, need to exit to prevent dupe runs
  • Update links from install errors to kb articles
  • Only show first response SLAs as "active" when the ticket is awaiting an agent.
  • Agent preferences to receive notifications for their own actions or just when they forward a message into the help desk (to confirm it was created).
  • Use save points to allow nested transactions and partial rollbacks to work correctly.
  • Draft messages now maintain attachments and will update when metadata (attachments, note status) changes but the message text has not changed.
  • Improve some server checks. - Installer detects disable_functions that will break the system - Installer detects invalid upload_tmp_dir - Admin file upload test detects invalid upload_tmp_dir - Better cron error reporting on quick-setup after install

If you are using the cloud version of DeskPRO, your account will have already been updated or will be updated within the next 24-48 hours.

If you are using DeskPRO download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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