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Using the Stat Builder

в Reports Overview
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Публикувани: 22.05.2018 г.|Последно обновено: 9.10.2023 г.

Deskpro's reports interface includes a powerful Report Builder that allows you to produce detailed statistics and metrics for your helpdesk. This article is a quick guide to getting started with building custom stats.

Reports Icon

To access the reports interface, click the Reports icon in the Navigation Panel.


If you don't see this icon, you may need to ask your admin to grant you access to reports.

What are Stats?

Stats are sets of data values that can be displayed in a variety of different formats. You can combine multiple stats together to create reports, and multiple reports to create dashboards.

Stats are built using DPQL, a structured query language. Each DPQL query you make pulls specific data from your helpdesk and displays it in the specified format.

Using Stats

To use stats, select Stats in the Reports Sidebar.

Here you can see a list of existing stats, complete with labels. You can filter stats here by name or label.

To interact with a stat, click on it.

In the stat pane, you can see the the data values the stat is showing based on the DPQL queries associated with it.

You can also edit the DPQL values of a stat by clicking on it and selcting the Edit Stat button in the top right hand corner, or hovering over it on the Navigation Panel and selecting Edit.

To create a new stat, click the + Create Statistic button.

Using Variables

To use variables within queries, you can add variables using the 'Add Variable' button below the fields in the query builder.

Enter an ID for the variable. This is how you will refer to the variable from the query.

Then simply select the type of data you want the variable to pull from, and select an optional default value for the variable to appear.

Enter a title for your stat, and add any labels you wish to associate it with.

Whether editing or creating a new stat, you will be required to use DPQL queries to specify the data you want to see in the stat.

The query builder provides a guided process so you simply need to fill in the values, but raw DPQL allows you to input both clauses and values if you wish.

For more information on using DPQL, refer to our DPQL Guide.

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